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Reading Ecohome

Reading Ecohome

prev next Reading Ecohome This newbuild house is designed to Passivhaus standards on the site of a former pumping station and bordering woodland. The brief was to create a good-size home within what is a very tight site, and incorporate the outdoor parking spaces...
Contemporary home in a conservation area

Contemporary home in a conservation area

prev next Contemporary home in a conservation area Set in the middle of a Georgian town square, in the centre of a conservation area, this home was not only overlooked but also overshadowed by other buildings and trees and was dark and underwhelming. Our challenge was...
Dream forever new build home Winterbourne

Dream forever new build home Winterbourne

prev next Dream forever new build home Winterbourne When we took over this project on a former agricultural site, planning consent had already been granted for a new build house in place of some commercial agricultural barns. But our clients weren’t happy with the...
Contemporary home extension and renovation in Berkshire

Contemporary home extension and renovation in Berkshire

prev next A clever renovation and extension gave this home with a view a makeover to match It’s still surprising to think how underwhelming this 1970s home was when we first set our sights on it. But with a lovely rural West Berkshire location, it had views to...